Strip Piecing Method for 4-patch blocks

When you want to make a lot of four patch blocks, this method will save you a ton of time.

Choose different fabrics in any contrasting or complimenting colors of fabric.

Use a jelly roll, fat quarters, or yards of fabric cut into strips.

The strip size will depend on the finished quilt block size desired.

Begin by cutting the Strips for The Four Patch Quilt Blocks

For the strips, I used strips of fabric from a jelly roll, which measure 2 ½” X 42”.

For the contrasting fabric, I used a printed cream fabric. Cut to the same size.

Take a darker colored strip of fabric and a light fabric strip and place the right sides together.

Sew together the length of the fabric strips using ¼” seam allowance on one side of the long edge.

Press the seam to the side with the darker fabric.

Square off one end of the strips by using a rotary cutter and cutting along the edge of the ruler.

Next cut the strips apart to create two patch rectangles.

There is a  chart for the sizes of the strips for the  finished quilt block squares on the website.