How to Make a Classic Double Monkey Wrench Quilt Block
The Double Monkey Wrench quilt block is simple yet striking in design. Its bold geometric design stands out, whether you’re making a single block or incorporating it into a larger quilt.
Sewing Machine
Cutting tools
Estimated Cost 5
Cutting the Fabric:
Start by cutting the following pieces:
B = (1) 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" square from your dark fabric (for the center)
A and D = (2) 5 1/4" x 5 1/4" squares from both the light and dark fabrics (for Half Square Triangles, HSTs)
C = (4) 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles from your light fabric (for the outer bars)
E = (4) 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares from your dark fabric or medium fabric (for the corners)
Make sure your cuts are as precise as possible to ensure your block comes together cleanly.
Making the Half-Square Triangles (HSTs) for the Corner Units:
Take the 5" squares from both the light and dark fabrics. Place them right sides together and draw a diagonal line from one corner to the other on the back of the lighter fabric.
Sew a quarter-inch seam on both sides of the drawn line.
Cut along the drawn line to create two HST units.
Press the seams toward the darker fabric and trim the HSTs to 4 1/2" x 4 1/2".
Repeat this process with the other two squares. You should have a total of (4) half square triangles.
Sewing the Two-Tone Blocks: Sometimes Called Bar Units:
Take one 2 ½” X 4 ½” light rectangle and one 2 ½” X 4 ½” medium fabric rectangle and sew together lengthwise using ¼” seam allowance. Press seams to the darker fabric.
Repeat this process three more times.
You should have a total of (4) two-tone units.
Alternative method of making the two-tone units using strip sets.
Cutting the Fabric using the Strip method for the two-tone blocks.
Cut (1) 2 ½” X 18” strip of light fabric.
Cut (1) 2 ½” X 18” strip of dark or medium fabric.
With the right sides together, sew the strips lengthwise using ¼” seam allowance. Press the seam to the darker fabric.
Sub cut the strip into (4) 4 ½” segments.
Assembling the Block:
Refer to diagram for visual assistance.
Place the dark 4 1/2" square in the center.
Position a HST on each corner with the darker fabric on the inside.
Place the 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" two-tone squares on each side of the center square with the darker fabric on the inside.
With the right sides together, sew the blocks together in rows.
Press each row as you go to ensure neat seams. The top and bottom row press seams out. Center row, press seams in.
Building the Final Block:
Once you’ve sewn each row, join the rows together to form the final block. With the right sides together, pin and nest the seams to ensure everything lines up neatly.
Sew the rows using a quarter-inch seam allowance. Press the seams flat for a crisp, professional finish.