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Kitchen Essentials
9 X 13 Sheet Pan
Cookie Scoop
Glass Mixing Bowl
Square Plate
Prevent your screen from going dark
20OuncesMelting chocolateI like to use Ambrosia milk chocolate, you can use chocolate chips too
1CupHeavy Whipping Creamlike the kind you can whip into whipping cream and you find by the dairy case
1-2CupsAlmondsfinely ground, you can also use pecans, walnuts, or any type of nut you would like
text ingredients
Melt chocolate in microwave safe bowl 1 minute at a time stirring in between. Normally 2-3 minutes total.
Add vanilla to the 1 cup of whipping cream. (I find it mixes best if this is at room temperature). Add this mixture to the melted chocolate. Stir until all mixed.
This is the chocolate mixture after the cream has been incorporated. It is now ready to be put into a covered container and chilled for 1 hour.
Form into small balls (I normally use a very small cookie scoop for nice even balls and to make them faster). I drop the balls into the chopped nuts, roll them around, and scoop them out using a teaspoon. I put them on a waxed paper lined cookie sheet. Cool. Enjoy!
Variations:The recipe I provided above is the family’s favorite version. Play around with what you roll the truffles in to create your own unique taste if you choose. I have used cocoa powder, powdered sugar, colored granulated sugar, various kinds of nuts, coconut, and crushed graham crackers.