This red eye coffee recipe is a delicious pick-me-up that will give you the energy you need to start your day. This bold and invigorating beverage is the perfect blend of strong coffee and rich espresso, making it a favorite among caffeine lovers everywhere.
Whether you’re a seasoned coffee drinker or just looking to try something new, this recipe is sure to impress. So, grab your favorite mug and let’s dig into finding out about this strong cup of coffee brew.
What is Red Eye Coffee?
Wondering what the hype is all about with this beverage? Red eye coffee drink is a type of coffee that is made by adding a shot of espresso to a cup of regular brewed coffee. Different names it is also known as a “shot in the dark” or a “depth charge.”

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Red Eye, Dead Eye, and Green Eye Coffee
What is the main difference between these three coffee drinks? These variations are names for the drinks based on the number of espresso shots added to the drip coffee. There is extra caffeine in each cup. The green eye has really high caffeine levels, so be careful as you can get the jitters.
- Red Eye Coffee contains 1 single shot of espresso.
- Dead Eye Coffee contains 2 shots of espresso.
- Green Eye Coffee contains 3 shots of espresso.
There is one more term you may have people refer to. There is no specific type of coffee called “black eye coffee.” However, some people may refer to a “black eye” as a drink made by adding two shots of espresso to a cup of drip coffee.
How to make red eye coffee
This morning beverage is very simple to make at home. Just get out your drip coffee maker and an espresso machine or instant espresso powder.
Here are the basic steps and ingredients.
To make 12-14 ounces of red eye coffee use: 1 cup normal drip coffee (12 ounces or 1 ¼ cups) and 1 double shot of espresso (2 ounces or ¼ cup).
Just pour the espresso into the drip coffee.

What does red eye coffee taste like?
Imagine a black drip coffee with a hint of bitter taste and dark espresso flavor added.
Red Eye coffee is a strong and bold brew that combines regular drip coffee with a shot of espresso. This results in a rich and robust flavor that is ideal for those seeking a bold and intense coffee experience.
The espresso shot adds an extra layer of depth and complexity to the coffee, creating a unique taste that is both smooth and strong. Overall, red eye coffee is a great choice for coffee lovers who enjoy a powerful and flavorful cup of joe.

How to Make Drip Coffee?
To make drip coffee, first, grind your regular coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency. Then, place a filter in your drip coffee maker and add the ground coffee to it.
Fill the reservoir with cold water and turn on the machine. The water will drip through the coffee and filter into the pot.
Once the pot is full, turn off the machine and enjoy your freshly brewed drip coffee.
There are different brewing methods using these coffee machines that can be used for making standard coffee; pour over, French press, or AeroPress.

How to Make Espresso?
To make espresso, start by grinding fresh coffee beans to a fine consistency. Then, fill the portafilter with the grounds and tamp them down firmly.
Next, attach the portafilter to the espresso machine and turn it on to let the water heat up.
Once the machine is ready, place a cup underneath and start the extraction process.
A shot of espresso should take around 20-30 seconds to extract and should be topped with a layer of crema. Serve immediately and enjoy your freshly brewed espresso.
Espresso and cappuccino machine
How Much Caffeine is in Red Eye Coffee?
Red eye coffee, also known as “eye-opener” or “shot in the dark,” is a popular coffee drink that combines regular brewed coffee with a shot of espresso. The amount of caffeine in a red eye coffee can vary depending on the size of the drink and the type of coffee used.
On average, a small red eye coffee contains about 200 milligrams of caffeine, while a large one can have up to 400 milligrams. That extra shot of expresso results in a high caffeine content. It’s important to note that consuming too much caffeine can have negative effects on the body, such as increased heart rate and anxiety. So be careful with your caffeine intake. However, many a healthy adult has enjoyed their stronger flavor.
Coffee houses are busy for a reason.
- 12 ounce cup of coffee has 95 mg caffeine.
- 1 shot espresso has 64 mg of caffeine.
- 1 red eye coffee with 1 ¼ cups coffee and 2 shots espresso has 247 mg caffeine.
It’s recommended to consume caffeine in moderation and to be aware of the amount of caffeine in your drinks.
Red eye coffee recipe
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Kitchen Essentials
- 12 Ounces Brewed Drip Coffee
- 1 Shot Espresso about 2 ounces
text ingredients
- Make your drip coffee using the desired appliance and instructions.
- Make the espresso using an espresso machine or instant espresso powder.
- While all the liquid is still hot, pour the espresso into the prepared coffee and enjoy.
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You can find Victoria crocheting, quilting, and creating recipes. She has cooked in restaurants for over 20 years, including many larger parties. She learned to crochet when she was just 11 years old and has been crocheting ever since; over 50 years now. Over 40 years ago, she loved her first class in sewing and continues to hone her skills in quilting. Many have enjoyed the handmade gifts over the years. In her professional career, she has worked in management in a wide variety of businesses including higher education as a dean of a division. All the while attending college part-time to achieve her doctorate in higher education with an emphasis in e-learning.