Once I figured out the secrets to easy peel hard-boiled eggs…well, let’s just say that I make hard-boiled eggs a lot more. There are so many great uses.
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Past Issues with Hard-Boiled Eggs
For years, I struggled with peeling hard-boiled eggs.
I struggled so much, that I rarely wanted to make them. That was too bad, because I love eggs.
Whether they are deviled eggs, egg salad, or in potato salad.

However, when you struggle with peeling the eggs, these recipes are not very fun to make.
Somehow, it seems eggs should be easy to make! That was not always the case for me. When I would peel the eggs, it seemed that I would end up with about ½ the egg left after peeling. Because I mangled the egg and the shell just trying to get the egg peeled! Seriously frustrating.
Another thing that I struggled with is the grey or green ring that will often form on the edge of the egg yolk. While I do not think it changes the taste of the hard-boiled egg, it just does not look very nice.
When you are making a nice dish to pass at a party, you want the eggs to look and taste great.

Finding Success in Cooking and Peeling Eggs!
Just look at those beautiful eggs. It is just a thing of beauty. You can have eggs just like these too.

Changing When I Peeled the Eggs
One day, I was in a hurry, I cooled the eggs quickly with cool water and started peeling them when they were just cool enough for me to handle. The shells almost fell off! I accidentally found a new trick.

Changing How I Cooked the Eggs
Then a few years later, I decided to cook the eggs in a covered kettle versus a small pot that barely held the eggs.
I covered the kettle and only used about an inch of water. I bring the water to a boil and let the eggs boil for 5 minutes. Then I keep the cover on the kettle and let it sit for 10 minutes.
Then, I put the kettle in the sink and slowly start to add cool water. When the eggs are cool enough to touch, I begin peeling the eggs. The result was perfectly cooked hard-boiled eggs that peel easy.

Not Only Easy Peel, But No Grey Ring Around the Yolk
This Cooking Method for Eggs Works Every Time!
I am sure that there is a scientific reason for why this works, but I don’t have a clue why this works. This is the method that I use all the time to make my hard-boiled eggs and it works every time. Making and peeling hard-boiled eggs is no longer a dreaded task.
Just Look at the Large Peelings and Perfect Eggs
Notice the large chunks? Not small pieces with all the egg white still stuck to them? Love it!

What are the health benefits of eating eggs
Eggs are almost the perfect food; they contain a little bit of almost every nutrient we need.
- Vitamin A: 6% of the RDA
- Folate: 5% of the RDA
- Vitamin B5: 7% of the RDA
- Vitamin B12: 9% of the RDA
- Vitamin B2: 15% of the RDA
- Phosphorus: 9% of the RDA
- Selenium: 22% of the RDA
Eggs also contain decent amounts of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Calcium and Zinc Eggs come with 77 calories, 6 g of protein and 5 g of fat, 1.6g saturated fat and 212mg cholesterol. (source)

How Many Calories are in an Egg?
There are 77 calories in an egg that has been boiled or poached. However, note that as soon as you cook an egg in oils, butters, or add it to other foods, those additional food items add to the calories. By itself, eggs are an excellent source of a high-protein food.
Which is healthier whole egg or egg white
There is a common misconception that only the egg white contains the healthy protein, whereas the yoks should not be consumed. However, almost half of an egg’s protein content comes from the yolk. So, go ahead and enjoy the whole egg, yolk and all for the most nutritional benefits that eggs have to offer. (source).

Healthy Grab-and-Go Snack
I like to boil a dozen eggs on Sundays for a healthy and quick snack to enjoy during the week. They are easy to turn into deviled eggs or just enjoy with a little salt and pepper.
Here are a few More Tips on How to Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs
While I do cook the eggs in a bit of boiling water, once they have reached the hard-boiled state, I immediately remove the pan from the heat. Sometimes I will remove it a minute or two early and let the eggs continue cooking for a minute or two before I cool and peel.
Ever Have the Greenish Ring Around Your Hard Boiled Eggs?
While the green ring is harmless, it can make the egg look unappetizing. It occurs when eggs have been cooked too long or at too high a temperature. (source).
The American Egg Board recommends cooking eggs in hot, not boiling, water, then cooling immediately to minimize the green ring. However, with my method of boiling, cooling, and peeling right away, I have not had any green ring issue.
Easy Peel Eggs
Sometimes getting eggs to peel also has to do with the egg itself in combination with the cooking and cooling methods used.
Eggs that are fresh are hard to peel. Use eggs that have been refrigerated a week to ten days. This helps the membranes separate from the shell.
How Long Will Boiled Eggs Last
If the eggs are cooked and left in the shell, they can last up to one week. However, once peeled, they should be eaten that day for the most freshness.

Ever Wonder About the Color of the Egg Shell?
Sometimes, I have heard people talk about how the brown shelled eggs are more nutritious. However, did you know that this does not indicate the nutritional value, rather the type of hen that laid the egg?

Hens with white feathers generally lay white eggs and hens with colored feathers, such as red tend to lay brown eggs.
How to Cook Easy Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs
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Kitchen Essentials
- water Enough water for approximately 1 inch in the kettle
- eggs as many as you want-I often do a dozen at once
text ingredients
- Using a kettle, place eggs inside and cover with approximately 1 inch of water. Place lid on top. Bring to a boil, which does not take long with this little of water. Once boiling, boil for 5 minutes. Then turn off heat and let kettle sit with the lid on for 10 minutes.
- After the eggs have sat for 10 minutes. Bring the kettle to the sink and start running cool water on the eggs (leaving the hot water in the kettle). This keeps the eggs from cooling down too fast.
- Once the eggs are cool enough to handle, start peeling the eggs. Take an egg and tap it all around lightly against the sink or the counter. This will help crack the shell for easier peeling. Don’t crack too much or the shell will not come off in large chunks which is part of what makes the peeling so easy.
- This is a pile of egg shell peelings. Notice that I am peeling them on a plastic bag from a store. This makes for easy clean up. Also, notice the large chunks of the egg peelings.
- This bowl of eggs all turned just fine and it only took minutes to peel. I think with the cooking and peeling it all took less than 30 minutes.
- This is an egg cut open. Notice how there is no grey ring around the yolk? Now, if you refrigerate it for a day or so, you might get a grey ring, but serving it the same day. I don’t have any problem.
Your Own Private Notes
A few of my favorite things
The Power of Positivity
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I hope that you liked this recipe. If you are looking for more ideas on what to make, here are a few other recipes that you may enjoy.

You can find Victoria crocheting, quilting, and creating recipes. She has cooked in restaurants for over 20 years, including many larger parties. She learned to crochet when she was just 11 years old and has been crocheting ever since; over 50 years now. Over 40 years ago, she loved her first class in sewing and continues to hone her skills in quilting. Many have enjoyed the handmade gifts over the years. In her professional career, she has worked in management in a wide variety of businesses including higher education as a dean of a division. All the while attending college part-time to achieve her doctorate in higher education with an emphasis in e-learning.
I love this post! One of my family’s favorite dishes is Deviled Eggs. I usually do 2 dozen. I haven’t been using any consistent method of peeling, and about half the time I curse the whole time I am peeling! I wonder if it has anything to do with the cooking method? I use the old Julia Child (and Egg Board) method. Cold water an inch over the eggs, bring to a boil, boil one minute, cover and set aside for 13 minutes. The eggs are perfectly cooked.
Thank you; I am going to discipline myself to try this method going forward.
I can relate! It bothered me to have eggs with chunks taken out of them because I couldn’t get the shell off. Especially when making Deviled Eggs. I hope you have as much luck with this method as I do.
I use this method everytime when I make them. Works like a charm and less hassle.
So glad that there is another person out there that is using this method and gives it a thumbs up.
This is so helpful! I am more confident preparing a souffle than I am hard boiling eggs, but I am going to put your tips to use!
Love it! Glad to hear…
Great tips!!! Mine never peel right LOL 🙂
🙂 I hope they will now. Have fun.
I don’t care for eggs but I will share this with my MIL who makes them regularly
Thank you.
I cannot wait to put this to the test! We eat A LOT of hard boiled eggs in our house because we are eating low carb. I’ve noticed that it’s usually easier to peel when they are still pretty hot and I need to run cold water over them to keep from burning my hands. However, I still have problems at least 50% of the time, so I’m excited to try cooking them with less water in a covered kettle.
Wonderful! Method-really works. I do it all the time.
Thanks for the cooking tip! Is the magic in the cold water after cooking? I have the issue of the shells being stuck to the egg, so I’m going to follow your instructions to a T. Thanks again 🙂
I think that the steam somehow does a better job of cooking the eggs through. Then by letting them stay covered for the 10 minutes, they finish cooking. Or, maybe it is the cooling down quickly and peeling right away. There must be a scientific reason…I haven’t a clue. Enjoy!
Thanks for sharing your accidental secret with us! I didn’t think about boiling the eggs in a kettle for a shorter time and letting the steam finish cooking it. It makes sense why the boiled eggs that chinese street vendors sell are pretty. They use this massive steamer thing to steam sweet potatoes, eggs, and dumplings. Great post!
You are very welcome. Thanks for adding the information about the use of steam by the street vendors. Great insight.
Those are some good looking eggs! It’s funny that something so basic as boiling eggs can be so difficult to get perfect.
Thank you. Thank goodness for accidents sometimes.